Mock PSA: Stros Gun Locks
As an assignment for a school project, I created a simple banner ad meant to be displayed at a gun store near the checkout isle:
Creative Brief
Who is your client and what product and/or services to they provide?
Gun lock manufacturer “Stros” (fictional). They manufacture a variety of gun locks and safes for safe firearm storage.
What message does your client want you to create in the PSA and for what target audience?
A gun lock can save a life. More specifically, gun locks can prevent accidental discharges as well as mishandled or inappropriately handled (in the case of irresponsible kids) firearm accidents.
What message frame will you be using? Explain why you chose this frame.
A simple black background centered on a small gun lock with a big message over the top. I want the message to be straightforward and get to the point to appeal to the target demographic of a typical gun owner.
Will you be creating a billboard or poster? Explain why?
Poster, for placement in retail establishments who sell firearms, right over their merchandise.
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