Mock Slidecast: Advanced Hydrodynamics

As an assignment for a Business Writing class, I composed the following slidecast:



Creative Brief

Part I: Slidecast Context

What is the name of your hypothetical business or organization and what type of business or organization is it?

  • Business Name: Advanced Hydrodynamics
  • Business Type: Multifunctional water treatment facility

What country will employees be traveling to and what environment (urban or rural) will they be working in?

  • Nouakchott ( نواكشوط ), Mauritania, Africa
  • Geolocation: 18.113687178105668, -16.027315066306638
  • Coastal Desert with existing urban infrastructure nearby.

What will employees be doing on behalf of the business in this country?

  • Employees will construct and install a micro-scale water desalination and treatment facility.
  • The entire self-contained series of connected units will arrive in freight containers and need to be assembled.
  • Then, the team will work with local plumbers to hand off the piping connections to a nearby restaurant’s infrastructure.


Part II: Research Questions

  1. What is the best location and method to insert long PVC pipe into coastal ocean geography?
  2. What is the best method of packing complex machinery to ensure it arrives undamaged when being shipped to third world countries?
  3. What are the best methods of training an engineer team member with language skills to communicate with a local translator during important business interactions?
  4. What kind of unique prefiltering methods can be applied to account for the localized pollution in the oceanwater around Nouakchott?
  5. As this prototype functions as a proof of concept for modular scaling, what kinds of data collection methods can be used to ensure maximum contribution to future projects?
  6. What is the biggest hurdle with the entire scope of this project, and how will I overcome it?


Part III: Slidecast Outline

Slide 1: Introduction of GH
Slide 2: Introduction of client
Slide 3: Description and parameters of client request
Slide 4: Description of micro-scale water treatment plant, PT1 – Desalination
Slide 5: Description of MSWTP – PT2 – RO & Treatment
Slide 6: Aerial view and breakdown of project location
Slide 7: Overview of small structure housing treatment devices
Slide 8: Initial setup of project – PT1 – Foundation & Seawater feed
Slide 9: Initial setup of project – PT2 – Steel purchase & transportation
Slide 10: Construction, device placement, and initial hookup
Slide 11: Specific challenges in testing & treatment
Slide 12: Specific challenges connecting with existing infrastructure
Slide 13: Instructing native employees on long-term maintenance
Slide 14: Conclusion and summary of work

Script Outline:

  • Advanced Hydrodynamics
  • Prototype Micro Water Treatment Project in Nouakchott ( نواكشوط ), Mauritania, Africa
  • Introduce myself


  • Company & Client Intros
  • Project Description
  • Project Location & Setup
  • Construction & Testing
  • Conclusion and Summary of Work

Who is Advanced Hydrodynamics?

Company Introduction & Brief History


  • Takuma Hayashi – President
  • Jillian Nelson – CEO
  • Flora Berggren – COO
  • Rajesh Santoshi – CTO


Graham Barnes
Production Engineer

Rowan Murphy
Fluid Dynamics Engineer

Elizabeth Moore
Plumbing & HVAC Engineer

Robin Kline
Technical Communications

Our Client

Terjit Vacances

  • High-end restaurant & resort destination
  • High-demand and constant customer base
  • Unique charity program for local homeless


“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together”
– Vincent Van Gogh


Micro Modular Water Treatment Facility A Brief Breakdown

Project Highlights

What does it do?

Solar-powered RH has a 35% Greater yield than out-of-the-box solutions
Significantly lower initial investment and very quick ROI for customer
Reduced GHG emissions: near carbon zero


Project Description

7-Stage Prefilters

  • Cleans brine 99%
  • Increases filter lifetime
  • Reduces pipe pressure

Reverse Osmosis

  • Highest Durability Filters
  • Lowest replacement cost
  • Recyclable filter

Post-RO Treatments

  • Mineral additives & taste
  • Pex piping overhaul
  • Venting in pipe system


Project Location

Nouakchott ( نواكشوط ), Mauritania, Africa

  • GL: 18.113687178105668, -16.027315066306638
  • Coastal Desert just outside of major urban area
  • Urban plumbing infrastructure nearby (300 yds.)


Project Time Breakdown

  • Setup 25%
  • Construction 40%
  • Plumbing 30%
  • Testing 5%

How do we set it up?

Stages 1-3: Construction


  • Multiple freight packages arrive onsite, are stored
  • Restaurant handles forklift


  • Erect temporary structures
  • Sterilize and sand-proof
  • Unbox main components


  • Steel structure is water-tight
  • Component installation
  • Plumbing, electrical, and pressure testing

Summary and Conclusion


Final Stages


  • Output verification
  • QA & Customer Acceptance
  • Limit testing


  • Shipping damages
  • Language barrier & translator
  • Seawater prefiltering


  • Filter replacement
  • Seawater inlet cleaning
  • Prefilter cleaning


Teams IM or email me your questions


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